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As a special thank you for signing up in the muscle gain category for Shortcut to Summer 2024, here’s a free bulking program on us!

Follow this in conjunction with a caloric surplus and take home the gold! Not sure where your calories should be? Stop by your local store for a FREE meal plan!

Day 1 (Chest)

  • Bench Press (5 x 6-8)
  • Incline Dumbbell Press (3 x 8-10)
  • Dips (4 x 12) lean forward to target the chest more​​
  • Cable Fly or Pec Deck Fly (4 x 12)
  • Med Ball Push-ups (4 x AMRAP) AMRAP: As Many Reps As Possible

Day 2 (Back)

  • Wide-Grip Pull-Ups (4 x AMRAP) ​
  • Barbell Row (4 x 12) Overhand Grip
  • Close-Grip Cable Row (​4 x 10)
  • Lat Pull-Downs (4 x 12) Underhand Grip​
  • Straight-Arm Pull-Downs (5 x 15)

Day 3 (Legs)

  • Barbell Squat (4 x 8)
  • Barbell RDL (4 x 12)
  • Leg Extension (4 x 10 per leg)
  • Leg Curl (4 x 10 per leg)
  • Calf Raise (3 x 20)

Day 4 (Shoulders)

  • Seated Overhead Press (4 x 8)
  • Dumbbell Lateral Raise (4 x 12)
  • Dumbbell Front Raise (4 x 12)
  • EZ-Bar Upright Row (3 x 15)
  • Rear-Delt Fly (4 x 10)

Day 5 (Arms)

  • Barbell Curl (4 x 8)
  • Dumbbell Hammer Curl (4 x 12)
  • EZ-Bar Curl (4 x 12) Overhand Grip​
  • Close-Grip Bench Press (4 x 8)
  • EZ-Bar Skull crusher (4 x 12)
  • Cable Rope Extension (4 x 15)