
Axe & Sledge Home Made Meal Replacement


Home Made is a meal in a shake. It contains protein, carbs, vitamins and minerals. the protein will suppress your appetite, keeping you full longer. It also increases your metabolism and prevents muscle loss, especially when you’re on a strict diet.

Meal replacement shakes have been around for decades. As their name suggests, they are designed to replace a meal. These products are ideal for people with a busy lifestyle as well as gym goers, and health-conscious individuals.

A meal replacement shake, like Home Made, provides you with the necessary nutrients that will support your healthy lifestyle. Basically, Home Made is a meal in a shake. It contains protein, carbs, vitamins, and minerals. the protein will suppress your appetite, keeping you full longer. It also increases your metabolism and prevents muscle loss, especially when you’re on a strict diet.

To reduce your calorie intake, you can replace one or more meals with Home Made. Some people swap their breakfast or snacks with a Home Made shake. These healthy and delicious shakes can save you time and money. Why spend hours cooking at home when you can drink a Home Made meal?