3 min read

Our team of experts took the time to put together a special weight loss workout plan for you to follow to make sure you have all the tools you need to succeed!

Day 1 - Chest, Back, & HIIT

Rep scheme: 4 sets - 15/12/8/4 (dropset to 50% of weight and go to failure on last set)

Barbell bench press (superset with exercise to the right)

Barbell bent over row

Incline dumbbell bench press (superset with exercise to the right)

Lat pulldown

Standing cable flys (superset with exercise to the right)

Straight arm pushdown 


HIIT cardio: 20 seconds on, 20 seconds off, 10-12 cycles

Day 2 - Legs, Shoulders, & Abs

Rep scheme: 4 sets - 15/12/8/4 (dropset to 50% of weight and go to failure on last set)

Barbell squat (superset with exercise to the right)

Standing dumbbell shoulder press

Leg curls (superset with exercise to the right)

Dumbbell lateral raise

Dumbbell reverse lunges (superset with exercise to the right)

Dumbbell front raise 


Abs - 4 sets, 12-15 reps 

Rollover crunches (superset with exercise to the right)

Reverse crunch

Heel taps (superset with exercise to the right)

Side plank hip raises 


Day 3 - Biceps, Triceps, & HIIT

Rep scheme: 4 sets - 15/12/8/4 (dropset to 50% of weight and go to failure on last set)

EZ bar curl (superset with exercise to the right)

EZ bar skullcrushers

Rope hammer curl (superset with exercise to the right)

Rope tricep extension

Incline bench hammer curl (superset with exercise to the right)

Cross body dumbbell extension


HIIT cardio: 20 seconds on, 20 seconds off, 10-12 cycles

Day 4 - Chest, Back, & HIIT

Rep scheme: 4 sets - 15/12/8/4 (dropset to 50% of weight and go to failure on last set)

Incline barbell bench press (superset with exercise to the right)

Wide grip lat pulldown

Flat dumbbell bench press (superset with exercise to the right)

One arm dumbbell row 

Incline svend press (superset with exercise to the right)

T-bar rows 


HIIT cardio: 20 seconds on, 20 seconds off, 10-12 cycles

Day 5 - Legs, Shoulders, & Abs

Rep scheme: 4 sets - 15/12/8/4 (dropset to 50% of weight and go to failure on last set)

Stiff leg barbell deadlift (superset with exercise to the right)

Military press

Close stance leg press (superset with exercise to the right)

Face pulls

Dumbbell step ups (superset with exercise to the right)

Standing cable lateral raises


Abs - 4 sets, 12-15 reps 

Weighted reverse crunch (superset with exercise to the right)

Straight arm crunch

Russian twists (superset with exercise to the right)

Side oblique crunch


Day 6 - Biceps, Triceps, & HIIT

Rep scheme: 4 sets - 15/12/8/4 (dropset to 50% of weight and go to failure on last set)

Incline bench alternating dumbbell curl (superset with exercise to the right)

Standing overhead dumbbell extension

Lying ez bar cable curl (superset with exercise to the right)

Straight bar tricep extension

Drag curls (superset with exercise to the right)

Dumbbell kickback


HIIT cardio: 20 seconds on, 20 seconds off, 10-12 cycles

HIIT options:

  • Stationary exercise bike sprints 
  • Treadmill sprints
  • Incline deadmill sprints 
  • Stairmaster
  • Elliptical 
  • Switch jump lunges
  • Squat jumps
  • Battle ropes
  • Jump rope
  • Plate pushes
  • Lateral jumps
  • Medicine ball slams
  • Rows
  • Mountain climbers
  • Burpees
  • High knees